How could I have been so careless!! I am not sure what will happen now with my assignments or my class standing. I will have to try and re-group with a new assignment timeline but most importantly re-group emotionally. The only way I can recover emotionally is to reflect on lessons learned from this experience.
• Read my syllabus often throughout the semester and multiple times when working on each and every assignment. I thought reading the syllabus at the beginning of an assignment was enough but I missed details that turned into huge problems for me.
• Check in more often with professors and classmates when working on assignments to make sure I am headed in the right direction. It is so frustrating to put so much work into an assignment only to find out you’ve done it wrong.
• Lastly, remember to be kind to myself! I have made this a difficult day for myself. We all make mistakes and I AM SURELY NO EXCEPTION. I can only try to correct the mistake I made. Lesson learned!!
This photo is what "correcting my mistake" looks like. Which means I am up late at Denny's
(pass midnight on a Friday night) ....Ugh!
with my computer, books, highlighters & pen, and a lot of coffee.
Take it one step at a time like only you know how. Just know this, that balance is the key and you are a master at balancing your life. A mastery that we in your immediate family often take for granted.